
Saturday, March 24, 2012

Welcome to my blog postings to the visitor from WebRing

San Diego California

Welcome to my blog postings to the visitor from WebRing

What is a Black Bear Sow?

Longwood sow and bear cub caught; cub comes to Citra

What is a Black Bear Sow and why was it called this on this day?

After reading this blog posting please go to this story to better understand why this hurts the people in this house so bad.

Although I must admit, our Story Tellers, with the permission of the Head Clan Mother, did improvise some while going to schools and gatherings as story tellers often do, this is based on a true story.

Children's story

While this and many more bears were dumpster diving to feed themselves and their young they are called a Mother bear and her cub.

When this human came on the scene, which was a threat to her baby, she gave a warning nibble on the butt, she was called a Mother bear.

In this article she is called a Sow, is she a pig or was she just a mother trying to protect her baby from an intruder?

No matter!

This loving, caring, hungry Mother is no more, Why?

Not because it is a law that she must die but because we human race has to kill something, at least this is how it now goes in Florida!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Your animals are not allowed at ANIMAL festival!

Discover and appreciate Florida’s largest land mammal?

Will, that is unless you actually love and have a land mammal and you wish to visit and spend your money, then you, your pet, and your money are not welcome in Umatilla, any part of Umatilla!

Annual Florida Black Bear Festival in Umatilla, Florida.

Your animals are not allowed at this ANIMAL festival!


There mammals are all dead!

Last year, we paid a visit to this little park for about five hours, spent money on food and a pocketbook my better half.

We parked in the handicap spot and passed through the gate without a problem, my job was to walk our puppy and keep her from harm by the other dogs at this festival and there were many!

She walked around speaking about the animals and her animal website and blogger.

Every pet lover that we met was with at least one doggy poop bag, just in case although there is a good pet walk far off and has the only shade at this park.

This year, we called and was told by the festival and the city,


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Repair, update or replace old obsolete Tripod website.

Just in the past two days 11 more people coming to my blog posting looking for a way to repair, update or replace their old obsolete Tripod website.
Two more are still showing up on my old obsolete tripod website.

If I were a company finding all of these bad reports, I believe that I would stop ignoring them immediately and give some kind of a response, good or bad, but at least something?

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how to delete a tripod site

Animal League joins national program

South Lake Florida Animal League Joins national pet food program

The program is an ongoing national effort to regularly supply donated pet food to local people who cannot afford to properly provide for their pets. Pets of the Homeless is a nonprofit organization

Animal League joins national program

Published: Tuesday, March 20, 2012 Groveland ROXANNE BROWN | Staff Writer

The South Lake Animal League -- a non-profit no-kill rescue serving Florida since 1988 -- has created a program to provide food for dogs and cats when owners might otherwise be forced to surrender their pets to a shelter.