
Monday, October 21, 2019

Today was, ‘cutting the dog toenails day’!

We ganged up on the ‘Kids’ today!
Today was, ‘cutting the dog toenails day’!
We Lived!

The only time it takes the two of us is on the 'Toenail Day'.
She cuts and I hold while calmly talk to them looking into their eyes knowing that we could be dead at any moment.
While we were doing Breanna’s toes, Ziek was trying to get between us and her to protect her.
While we were doing Ziek’s toes, 
Breanna was nowhere to be found!
Today things went great!
The secret is, ‘Cookies after each was finished’

Monday, October 14, 2019

Lagos, Nigeria

Welcome to the visitor from Lagos, Nigeria
My Dog Breanna’s Blog

We like to call ourselves the pets, 
sounds about right if you think about it?
 if you have questions, 
we have answers.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Welcome to the New York visitor

 Welcome to the New York visitor
To a post about
“Pet Waste as fertilizer”?
Our Singapore Post
As my visitor from New York
(Go Giants/Yankees) must know,

I am not sure as to which part of the state that you live in,
Septic/City Sewer system?

"While it is true that all plants and mammals need Nitrogen, 
like with everything in your life, too much of a good thing can turn bad!
Human waste is significant contributor of nitrogen to water. 
Ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate are decomposition products 
from urea and protein, which are in human waste.
Ammonia is an ingredient in many household cleaning products 
is sometimes used to remove carbonate from hard water".
Please remember, this is speaking 
(Pet Poop in Vegetable Gardens).
In any garden, 
you must be careful as to what you wish to do 
with the end results.
 Our elders use to plant right over their septic system 
for a better crop.
If you noticed, they did not live very long.
 Even today, 
scientist are saying, 
no cow or horse 
maybe chicken waste?