
Saturday, March 17, 2012

Epstein Barr virus

Is there a toxic infection out there more lethal then

To search for evidence of infection, Mason and colleagues obtained samples of blood from client-owned dogs of various breeds brought to Penn Vet for care. In 48 dogs with lymphoma and 41 without the disease, the researchers first looked to see if the pets had antibodies against proteins specific to the EBV capsid, the protein shell of the virus. The test is nearly identical to one that physicians use to detect exposure to EBV in humans.

The researchers observed that eight of the dogs with lymphoma and three of those without it had high levels of antibodies against EBV proteins, indicating that a portion of the dogs had been exposed to a virus very similar to EBV.

Is Pink Slime safe for your pets?

Is Pink Slime really safe for humans, was it really safe for your pets.

No Pink Slime at Publix

I have received a ton of emails about pink slime from readers over the past week or so.

I have to tell you guys I had never heard of it before I started clicking some of the links that you guys sent to me. Now, I wish I had never found out as it makes me just nauseous to think about!

Warning…if you are squeamish – skip past this paragraph! Pink slime is a meat byproduct where otherwise unusable cuts are mixed with ammonium hydroxide in a centrifuge to produce food for humans. According to an article from abc news, this cheap meat filler, is in 70 percent of the ground beef sold at supermarkets and up to 25 percent of each American hamburger patty, by some estimates.

I have good news for all of us who shop at Publix. Publix does NOT use pink slime in their ground beef. Yet another reason why I Heart Publix

Warning…if you are squeamish – skip past this paragraph! Pink slime is a meat byproduct where otherwise unusable cuts are mixed with ammonium hydroxide in a centrifuge to produce food for humans. According to an article from abc news, this cheap meat filler, is in 70 percent of the ground beef sold at supermarkets and up to 25 percent of each American hamburger patty, by some estimates.

I have good news for all of us who shop at Publix. Publix does NOT use pink slime in their ground beef. Yet another reason why I Heart Publix

Which store's has Pink Slime in some of their meat!

Is Pink Slime in the Beef at Your Grocery Store?

“It kind of looks like play dough,” said Kit Foshee, who was a corporate quality assurance manager at Beef Products Inc., the company that makes pink slime. “It’s pink and frozen, it’s not what the typical person would consider meat.”

As seen in the movie Food Inc., the low-grade trimmings come from the most contaminated parts of the cow and were once only used in dog food and cooking oil. But because of BPI’s treatment of the trimmings — simmering them in low heat, separating fat and tissue using a centrifuge and spraying them with ammonia gas to kill germs — the United States Department of Agriculture says it’s safe to eat.

Wal*Mart has Pink Slime in some of their meat! Where You Can Get ‘Pink-Slime’-Free Beef

Inside information, if you buy fresh ground beef in single packages NO PINK Slime

If you buy ground beef in a roll YES PINK SLIME

Friday, March 16, 2012

What's new in pet news?

Canberra Australian Capital Australia

What's new in pet news?

Breanna and I would like to welcome the visitor to her blog postings about pets and life with them.

We hope that you found our postings interesting and will come back soon.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Ethoxyquin in our food supply?

Unknown city unknown state United States

Welcome to you the visitor to my blog posting about this dangerous chemical in our pets food, is it also in our food supply?

This blog and the old discontinued tripod website makes this very personal of our family!

We can send people into space, we can send satellites around Pluto, why is it that we cannot make food  preservatives that are safe for eating?

The answer is, as always, GREED!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Sabrina/Breanna's old WebRing page.

What is WebRing?

Welcome to the two visitor to my old discontinued tripod website about my webRing page on pets.

City of London, London United Kingdom


Washington District of Columbia United States

Sorry that it is still out on the internet, I have no idea how to dump it and/or send everyone to my new blog postings on Google?

That old Trellix tripod site was a very good site builder for beginners, I only wish that I could say the same for tripods newer Webon site builder, NOT!