Liesa Priddy/Nick
Wiley Wildlife Protectors-RIGHT!
These two, Governor
Scott and the rest of these grew have sentences our peace loving bears to death
and are now trying the same slick tricks on our beloved Florida Panthers!
Thinking back a
couple of years, they first started talking about a few Black Bears killings
just like what they are doing now to our panthers and when the public screamed
they backed off for a little.
This, of course got
the attention of the NRA and those rich hunters around the state, country and
the world, a great plan if one is money hungry enough?
Next came a feeble
attempt at stopping the bear feeding public, people leaving food out all night
and lazy people not protecting their trash containers, this included companies
that drop containers at all businesses in Florida and lazy people not closing
doors on those containers!
Today is the second
time this Governor Scott planted committee member, that had also planted a
ranch on our beloved Florida Panthers Reserve, has tried killing off our
beloved panthers.
Liesa Priddy
has tried to get hunting on our Panthers several times even though she and her
rancher neighbors have killed or run off the panthers main food source, the
Florida Deer!
Remember this is the
very same moves made on our beloved Florida Black Bears by Nick Wiley, a person
that we pay to help protect our endangered wildlife?
This group has sold
all of our Florida Black Bears food source and sold permits to kill off our
Florida Deer.
Now they complain
because wildlife is coming around looking for anything else to eat.
Florida Panther
Wiley’s Whims!
Posted on July 22, 2015
Lately, it appears
that Nick Wiley is having a turn of the mind, or rethinking many things,
including, Panthers, Black Bears, to hunt or not to hunt and the true core
meaning of the agency that he is the head of, the FWC,
or Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.
Just three short
years ago, this same man swore on the phone, after called
raising hell over the 8 Black Bears that had been killed in
Orlando when stupid people, did stupid things,
stating that they
would never be hunted!
He has recently had
secret meetings without other consul, other than that of a South
Florida Rancher named Liesa Priddy, who was appointed to the
Commission by Governor Scott in 2012 for the usual 5 year term, and together they
decided that a new plan should be put in place for what until now has
been the most critically Endangered Mammal in the country and
who also happens to be our State Mammal, the Florida Panther.
Thank-you to Walking
with the alligators Donna for much of this information.
I would like to see
a petition for the removal of both Wiley and Priddy and replace one or both
with Tahtonka.
However, she would
never run, stating that she has no qualifications for protecting Florida
Wildlife, endangered species, fish, plants and animals?
Trust No One
Show me anyone in
Florida, the country and dare I say, the world more qualified for this job?