
Saturday, May 5, 2012

Salmonella in dog food sickens 14

Salmonella in dog food sickens 14

COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — Fourteen people in at least nine states have been sickened by salmonella after handling tainted dog food from a South Carolina plant that a few years ago produced food contaminated by toxic mold that killed dozens of dogs, federal officials said Friday.

At least five people were hospitalized because of the dog food, which was made by Diamond Pet Foods at its plant in Gaston, S.C., the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said. No pets were sickened, according to the Meta, Mo.-based company.

The recall covers a number of pet food brands made at the Gaston plant, including Canidae, Natural Balance, Apex, Kirkland, Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover's Soul, Country Value, Diamond, Diamond Naturals, Premium Edge, Professional, 4Health and Taste of the Wild.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Pet Allergies and Intolerances

Food Allergies and Food Intolerances for Pets

Please go to the website for more information, your pets will love you for this and you will be able to sleep better knowing that you care!

Allergies and Intolerances

Food intolerance refers to a gastrointestinal response triggered by certain ingredients. For instance, a dog with a sensitive stomach may not be able to tolerate certain ingredients that then lead to diarrhea, vomiting or irritable bowel.

Scratch, Scratch: Recognizing the Signs and Symptoms

Just because your pets aren’t coughing and sneezing, as we do when confronted by some allergens, that doesn’t mean they aren’t suffering all the same.

Pets with food allergies tend to experience skin irritation when exposed to known allergens, which in turn causes varied scratching behaviors.

Identifying and Removing the Offending Foods

Some of the most common offenders are common ingredients found in dog foods. The most common food allergens for dogs are beef, dairy products, eggs, chicken, corn, wheat and soy.

The key is to determine which one or more of these ingredients are responsible for your pet’s distress. To make that determination, a food elimination trial should be performed. In the elimination trial, you should choose a wholesome, complete and balanced diet that avoids ingredients to which the pet has previously been exposed, then feed this recipe, and this recipe only, for six to eight weeks.


Baton Rouge Louisiana

Welcome to the blog of another spoiled Airedale.

One that my mommy and daddy are proud to claim that they did this to me :)

From another real good WebRing website

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

When is an animal or plant Endangered?

Why Do Animals Become Endangered?

For the most part we humans are responsible when animals become extinct, endangered or threatened.

Here are some reasons why animals become endangered

A species is called endangered when there are so few of its kind left that it could disappear and become extinct.

When does an Endangered animal no longer an Endangered animal?

When members of the officials at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service stand to profit from contractors when they buy their lives!


Destruction~ of Habitat to build homes, roads and other developments. Pollution from oil spills and water pollution have been devastating for many species of fish and birds. Hunting/Fishing animals are over-hunted because their meat, fur and other parts are very valuable. When animals or plants arrive into a new habitat from a foreign place they introduce diseases the native species can't fight, other sspecies can also prey on the native species.

According to the Endangered Species Act of 1973, a species can be listed as endangered if it is threatened by any of the following:

  1. The present or threatened destruction, modification, or curtailment of its habitat or range.
  2. Utilization for commercial, sporting, scientific, or educational purposes at levels that detrimentally affect it [a species].
  3. Disease or predation.
  4. Absence of regulatory mechanisms adequate to prevent the decline of a species or degradation of its habitat.
  5. Other natural or man-made factors affecting its continued existence.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

The worst of the military

One of the worst of the military

More than 6,000 goats and pigs are intentionally maimed.

The Department of Defense says trainers slice open live animals and saw off their limbs in order to train medics in how to treat human injuries.

Dr. James Santos is a retired Lieutenant Commander in the Navy and a physician. And after working with real patients in the field and at the Naval Medical Center, he knows that operating on live animals did not train him in how to treat real, complex human injuries.

But worst of all not only is this kind of animal cruelty unnecessary, it could actually make medics less prepared to treat real human injuries.

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